Description of the Library (for program accreditation and grant writers)

The LSU Health Shreveport Library offers seating for over 400 users at tables, at carrels, and in study rooms. It houses five small-group teaching rooms. Two computer labs for 49 people are available. Computers feature SPSS and some genome browsers. Both labs have a projection system for teaching classes. Black-and-white printing and copying, color printing, and scanners are available. There is no charge for scanning. Both wired and wireless internet connectivity for laptops are available throughout the library. Vending machines are available.
The Library is staffed 92.5 hours per week. The Student Commons on the Ground Floor, and the Second Floor, are available for studying 24/7. Remote access to the online catalog, databases, and electronic resources is available 24/7, through the institution’s virtual private network (VPN) for LSU Health Shreveport students, faculty, and staff.
The Library's collection includes 140+ databases, over 10,000 electronic journals, and over 3,000 electronic books. Requests for new electronic resources are always welcome and evaluated carefully by library staff.
Through the LOUIS academic library consortium, all LSU Health Shreveport students and employees are eligible for reciprocal borrowing cards, allowing them to borrow print materials at over 40 other Louisiana academic libraries.
Interlibrary loan for materials not owned is available at no charge to students.
Librarians actively partner in the curricula of all 3 schools, residencies, and fellowships, and are available for individual consultations and group instruction.
Library staff will provide assistance to alumni and the public, generally from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. weekdays.
Visit our online guide to spaces, technology, and study comforts.
Updated February 2024